George Washington National University Purpose

The purpose of this University is to provide encouragement, support and education for all Conservative Believers, as well as those who wish to advance to that status, without regard to race, religion, language, culture, ethnicity or national origin.
Conservatism and Faith are to be found in every demographic group.
GWNU offers Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees to qualified applicants who have demonstrated competence in defined specific disciplines. Registering on this site shall be considered as registration in the University.
George Washington, father of our Country, and a strong believer in God, felt that a great nation should have a great National University. His vision now lives here.
The Jeffersonians in Congress opposed this idea along with all of Washington's initiatives for "Internal Improvements" such as National Roads, Military Academies, and anything else that would enhance in any way the power, functionality and prestige of the new Federal Government at a time when the new nation desperately needed a stronger Federal Government.
The Constitution in its Preamble, which Washington brought into being, cited "Domestic Tranquility" "Common Defense" and "Justice" as the major purposes for the creation of the Constitution. Without these three the "Pursuit of Happiness" cited in the Declaration of Independence is impossible.

Some Courses of Study

Computer Science - History - Theology - Public Relations - Teaching - Political Activism - Community Organizing - Political Campaigns - Church Planting - Creative Writing - Marriage and Family - Life Organizing - Business -